Let me introduce myself and fill you in on what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.

I have a AS degree in Liberal Arts. It was through working through that degree that brought me to my passion of helping others. I decided to be become a counselor. I went on to receive a BS in Human Services with a major in Mental Health. Then furthered my education to receive a MS.Ed in Counseling and took a dual track so that I could be a School Counselor or go into Mental Health. I am not informing you of my degrees for bragging rights. I believe anyone can get through any track of education as long as they learn to study and learn the skills necessary to write papers and pass exams. So why am I mentioning my degrees? Great question! As a cautionary tail.

I have learned through working in a system that interconnects with a variety of numerous other systems that these so called, “helpful” systems are really not designed to “help” anyone. Not only are they not designed to help anyone they are actually set up to keep you thinking you are sick and in need of them. For how long? Well, in my experience forever. Yes I said FOREVER. I’m going to tell you won’t they won’t. They do a lot things to make you a client/patient for life. It is totally the opposite of what I went to school to learn to do.. HELP people.

The crazy rules, like you can’t even mention God to someone unless you know that God is a part of their belief system. Now that might not sound crazy to a non believer. But I’m here to stronger defend my position here. I left the system because of the reasons I’m stating. There are more, and if we end up working together I will share the others. But I will clearly and boldly state that God is a healer. No drug can fix what Jesus can! Your health, your finances, your relationships, your peace. He does it all and he charges no fees!! I am extremely successful when working with people because I simply took the little “g” out and replaces it with the BIG “G” God. I quit working for the system so I can work with you! I know longer have interference from the system telling me I can’t do what I know works. It not only works it works FAST. How do I know that? I know because my clients tell me.

What do I different than other holistic practitioners? Well I never recommend meds. Some holistic providers don’t either but they only focus on healthy life styles; eating right, getting enough sleep, meditation, etc. All very good things by the way. I focus on some of that too. But the piece that they don’t do is the word of God. You see God gave us a guide to winning with life. It’s all there. But no one reads it and some that do don’t do what it says or they don’t understand what it’s saying to do what it says.

I have worked with hundreds of people over the years. Adults, teens, children, couples, and families.

Many blessings always,


So if you want a better way. A lasting way. A way truly out of struggle, stress, and sleepless nights I would be honored to work for you and with you for your forever success in whatever you’re struggling with.

While working for the system I had no choice but to follow their rules and do it their way. I know they’re well. From my professional opinion their way doesn’t work. That’s why you see people on meds and in therapy for their entire lives. It doesn’t have to be that way!!